Reporting STR/SAR

A reporting entity is an entity that provides any designated services listed under the first schedule of the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act 2020 (AML/CFT Act). These entities generally provide financial, non-financial services. All reporting entities must meet obligations under the AML/CFT Act.

In our ongoing efforts to combat money laundering and the financing of terrorism, the FIU has introduced the goAML software solution, developed by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), to replace the traditional STR submission system. This software has already proven successful in use by numerous Financial Intelligence Units (FIUs) worldwide.

The adoption of this fully integrated software tailored for FIUs not only enhances the effectiveness of data collection but also streamlines the analysis and investigative processes.

Utilizing goAML will facilitate reporting entities in submitting their reports on suspicious activity or transaction more swiftly and efficiently. Additionally, it will foster improved communication between the FIU, reporting entities, and stakeholders. 

Consequently, various aspects such as data and document handling , workflows, and the overall analytical procedures will experience notable enhancements.

  1. Use to submit actual data to the FIU
  2. Low quality reports will be rejected and required to be re-submitted
  3. Monitor your message board frequently
  4. Read provided documentation below
  1. Use to submit TEST XML submissions 
  2. data disregarded on this system
  3. Contact goAML admin for review of test data

Steps to take

1) AML/CFT Guidelines For STR/SAR Reporting

Download and read through the guidelines first. It is important that reporting entities understand thee guidelines set in place to provide guidance.

FIU Reporting Guidelines STR/SAR

2) Register With The FIU on the goAML Paltform

Please Download and read through the document below.

Open Book

For more information on how to manage your user account on the goAML platform, please download and read the document below. User account management allows you to update or change user or organisational information as a reqeust. FIU will then approve or reject the change.

3) Submission of SAR/STR Web Reports

Please download and read the documents below on how to submit STR/SAR reports.


4) Submission of Reports using XML Upload

This feature is coming soon. We will keep you updated!

5) Exchange of Information Using goAML

This feature is coming soon. We will keep you updated!

6) XML Resource Care Package

This feature is coming soon. We will keep you updated!

Steps to take

Steps to take