voluntary reporting
Other Reporting Obligation
If you would like to provide information about suspicions of money laundering or terrorist financing activities, please use our Web form or call us directly.
It is important that voluntary information providers give as much information as possible concerning their suspicions, including the identifying information on the person(s) or organization(s) that may be involved in the suspicious activities.
You can provide your name and/or other personal identifying information if you wish to do so.
Names and other personal identifiers of voluntary information providers are protected under section 54 (1) of the AML/CFT Act, 2020 however, FIU may, in rare circumstances, have to disclose this information under certain compulsory processes.
The FIU will make the determination as to whether the voluntary information will be provided to law enforcement.
If you believe that the information you provide is serious and requires an immediate law enforcement response, then you may also wish to provide this information directly to the Seychelles Police.
Privacy notice
Any personal information that you provide is collected under the AML/CFT Act. While the FIU does not require it, if you do provide information about yourself it will be used solely in the administration of the AML/CFT Act.
Any personal information provided about another individual with respect to suspicions of money laundering or terrorist financing will be used for analytical purposes.
Any information relating to an offence under the AML/CFT Act or any other relevant Act, the information and the identity of the person giving such information shall be kept confidential (Section 54 (1) of AML/CFT Act).
Before you start
As there is no requirement for you to identify yourself, please do not provide us with any of your personal information. If you do so, your personal information is protected under Section 54 (1) of AML/CFT Act, which prohibits the FIU from disclosing the information you provided about yourself, however, the FIU may, in rare circumstances, have to disclose this information under certain compulsory processes Section 54 (2) of AML/CFT Act.
Would you like to provide...
Provide information on a person you suspect is involved in money laundering or of the financing of terrorist activities.
Provide information on an organization you suspect is involved in money laundering or of the financing of terrorist activities.