National anti-money laundering and countering the
financing of terrorism committee
National anti-money laundering and countering the financing of
terrorism committee
The National Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Committee (NAC) was formally established by the Minister of Finance, Trade, Investment and Economic Planning in February 2019, which is Chaired by the Secretary of State of Finance. This platform regroups the Heads of 9 critical public bodies which are indispensable to the process of strengthening the Seychelles’ AML/ CFT regime. The overarching role of the Committee is to advise the Government on the development of effective regulatory, supervisory, law enforcement and prosecutorial policies to combat Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Proliferation Financing whilst maintaining a conducive and efficient business environment. These bodies are:
Manage the Seychelles economy through sound financial and economic policies plan carefully and structure strategies for sustainable development and economic stability with the object of promoting more national unity and social justice.
-To contribute towards inclusive growth and development of Seychelles
– Transform and grow the Seychelles’ non-bank financial services industry, through the application of a sound regulatory & supervisory framework that protects the jurisdcistion’s reputation and the consumers and stakeholders’ investments.
We are committed to fighting corruption through effective investigation, detection and prevention of corrupt practices for a corruption free Seychelles.
- uphold the law fairly and firmly
- preventing crime and anti-social behaviour
- protecting and reasuring communities
- investigating offences and bringing offenders to justice
To be the leading authority in innovation and ease of doing business whilst meeting the highest international standards.